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Tag: Fort Wayne City Councilman Paul Ensley

City Council notes: 1/7/2020

The Fort Wayne City Council held its first meeting on the new term which began January 1, 2020.

City Council Agenda: 1/7/2019

The Fort Wayne City Council meets for the first meeting of the new term this evening.

Crawford response to negative ads

Republican Mayoral Primary candidate John Crawford responds to recent negative and misleading campaign ads, in print, on TV, and social media, by his opponent.

Candidate Challenge Hearing Tuesday

The Election Board will meet to review 30 candidate challenges on Tuesday, February 26, 2019, at 9:00 AM in room 740 of the Edwin J. Rousseau Centre.

Ladies and Gentlemen…we have an election!

Today was the last day for candidates to file for the 2019 Fort Wayne Municipal Elections.

Paddock announces re-election bid

Geoff Paddock announced today that he would seek a third term on the Fort Wayne City Council representing the Fifth District.

Nathan Hartman for City Council At-Large announcement

Nathan Hartman announces his Republican candidacy for Fort Wayne City Council At-Large.

Smith to run again for 1st District?

Former City Councilman Tom Smith (R-1st) is contemplating a run for his former seat at the City Council table.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Inauguration ceremony for City officials tomorrow

The Inauguration ceremony for City of Fort Wayne elected officials takes place tomorrow with the offices of Mayor, City Clerk, and City Council will taking part.
Elections logo.

Final election results

Final election results from today's voting.