Home Tags 2020 May-June George Floyd Demonstrations

Tag: 2020 May-June George Floyd Demonstrations

Video: Comm. on Police Reform presentation

Video from the presentation of The Commission on Police Reform and Racial Justice's final report to Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry and Police Chief.
Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry

Text: 2021 State of the City address

Text of Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry's State of the City address, delivered on February 10, 2021, at the Grand Wayne Center.
FWPD Fort Wayne Police Department

FWPD: Downtown demonstrations, 7/25/2020

“A Freedom Walk with Friends, Peace and Unity” to support law enforcement was scheduled for 10:00 am until 1:00 pm today in front of the Allen County Courthouse per Facebook.
FWPD Fort Wayne Police Department

Protest arrests, 6/15/2020

The FWPD has been working over the last few weeks to identify several people who have been intent on interfering with peaceful protests and made several arrests tonight.
FWPD Fort Wayne Police Department

FWPD: Protest day 17

The Fort Wayne Police Department's summary of protests on 14, 2020.

ACDP statement on demonstrations

Statement from the Allen County Democratic Party's Central Committee on the George Floyd protests.
Fort Wayne City Councilman Geoff Paddock

Paddock statement on demonstrations

Statement from Councilman Geoff Paddock (D-5th), regarding the downtown demonstrations.
FWPD Fort Wayne Police Department

FWPD: Protest day 3

Day three of protest in downtown Fort Wayne was relatively peaceful.
FWPD Fort Wayne Police Department

FWPD: Protest Day 4

Day 4 of the protest in the courtyard of the Allen County Courthouse ended without incident according to the Fort Wayne Police Department.
City of Fort Wayne

Mayor statement on demonstrations

Statement from Mayor Tom Henry on this past weekend’s protests and demonstrations in the City of Fort Wayne.