Redevelopment agenda 1/20/2009; Leatherman responds

City of Fort Wayne Seal

The Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission meets tomorrow at 4:00 pm in the County Commissioners Court Room, room 200 in the City County Building.  You may download a copy of the agenda here and the full 2009 meeting schedule.  (Please note that the dates, times and locations are subject to change.  You may check back on this blog for updates.)

Of the 11 resolutions on the agenda to be discussed, 9 of the 11 are Harrison Square related consisting of change orders, the bleacher seats contract with the Irwin Seating Company.  Irwin Seating Company is completely unrelated to Jim Irwin, Barry Real Estate.  Also on the agenda is:

Resolution 2009-02
Approving a contract for professional legal services with Carson Boxberger Attorneys.

This is the contract for Commission Attorney John Wernet.  Last year, the hourly rate for the contract was increased from $165 per hour to $175 per hour.  Previously, the rate had been set at $155 per hour.

Resolution 2009-03
Approving an Escrow Agreement pursuant to the sale and development of real estate in the Summit Industrial Park Urban Renewal Area 

While I haven’t spoken to anyone officially about this, I’m guessing this is about the Wayne Pipe Supply problem in Summit Park II.  You may read about it at the bottom of this post.

The City Council will be making their appointments to Redevelopment in their meeting at 5:30 pm this evening.  I don’t expect any surprises and predict Casey Cox and Thom Obergfell will be re-appointed.


Leatherman responds

Recently, John Kalb, staunch opponent of the Harrison Square project, made a comment on this blog:

And keep in mind that Hardball/Barry DID NOT put $5 million into Parkview Field! Remember, they were given “Indiana Tax Credits” with a value approaching that same $5 million – so it was a wash! The only part that they paid for was to add the extra suites – AND ALL INCOME FROM THESE WENT TO THEM -and THEM, only!!

I spoke with Greg Leatherman, Executive Redevelopment Director about this recently.  The audio is available for a listen below.


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