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Tag: Carson Boxberger LLP

Park Commissioners officers re-elected

A news release from Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation: Board of Park Commissioners Officials Re-elected (February 15, 2020) – Attorney Richard Samek was re-elected President of...
City of Fort Wayne seal

Committee recommends downtown arena

The committee established to consider the viability of a downtown arena in Fort Wayne Indiana, has presented its recommendations to Mayor Tom Henry.
Fort Wayne Children's Choir logo

Fort Wayne Children’s Choir names new board members & officers

The Fort Wayne Children's Choir (FWCC) is pleased to announce several new members to its Board of Directors.
Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership

Public feedback solicited for Regional Cities Initiative proposal

Phase 1 Projects that are under consideration for inclusion in the Northeast Indiana Regional Cities Initiative proposal are now available online for public comment.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Downtown Fort Wayne Arena Study completed

Mayor Tom Henry announced today the study of a downtown Fort Wayne arena has been completed and the results have been released to the public.
Embassy Theatre logo

Embassy Theatre Foundation honors volunteers of the year and elects board of directors for...

Volunteers of the Embassy Theatre Foundation were honored for their service at the organization's annual meeting on Oct. 21, 2014, at the Embassy Theatre.
Greater Fort Wayne logo

Community and business leaders travel to Des Moines, Iowa

Thirty?eight community and business leaders, will visit Des Moines, Iowa this week.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Mayor Henry appoints Tim Pape to Capital Improvement Board

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry today announced that he has appointed Tim Pape to serve on the Allen County-Fort Wayne Capital Improvement Board (CIB).
City of Fort Wayne seal

Riverfront Development Study receives final approval

The first comprehensive look at Fort Wayne's riverfront development possibilities is moving forward. A contract between the City of Fort Wayne and SWA Group for a Riverfront Development Study received final approval last night from Fort Wayne City Council.

The Harrison rises high, hits lofty milestone

News release from the City of Fort Wayne: The Harrison rises high, hits lofty milestone Mayor, Developers Celebrate Topping Out of Harrison Square's Final Piece With a...