Tag: Baker Street
Traffic Alert: Fairfield closed Wednesday for water main repair – 1/22/2025
Southbound Fairfield Avenue will close between Baker Street and Bass Street starting at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, for water main repairs.
Superior Street sewer work moves into Clinton
Progress continues on the construction of the Superior Street 48-inch consolidation sewer as crews move into the intersection of Clinton Street at Superior.
Superior Street closure moves east
Beginning tomorrow, May 5, Superior Street will close between Clinton and Barr Street as crews construct a 48-inch consolidation sewer.
Vandeveer Impact Award nominations open
The Allen County Board of Commissioners today announced that nominations are now being accepted for the fourth annual “Linda and Jerry Vandeveer Impact Award”.
Superior work to protect the St. Marys River
Superior Street, between Calhoun and Clinton Streets, will close Wednesday, April 22, 2020, for construction of a 48-inch consolidation sewer.
Sculpting a Superior message
A showcase of the arts welcomed residents to Superior Circle tonight as music filled the air and Mayor Tom Henry joined with dance performers and art supporters to celebrate Fort Wayne's newest landmark, the gateway sculpture ‘City'.
Citilink operates half day at Superior Street Station tomorrow
Citilink will be operating out of our old Superior Street Station the morning of Saturday, Sept. 28th from 8:15am-12:15pm to accommodate the hundreds of Fort 4 Fitness runners that will be gathering at Baker & Harrison streets.
Citilink requests comments on proposed service changes
News release from Citilink:
Citilink requests comments on proposed service changes
In preparation for the move to the new Citilink Central Station, at the corner of...
New Citilink Transfer Center groundbreaking – 8/29/2011
Next Monday, a long anticipated facility takes a step closer to realization in downtown Fort Wayne.
At 10:00 am next Monday, August 29, 2011, a...
Input session for proposed Citilink Baker Street Transfer Facility
A public input session was held yesterday for the proposed Citilink Baker Street Transfer Facility at the City-County Building.
We spoke with Citilink General Manager...