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Tag: U.S. Army

Headwaters Junction announces Phase I

Headwaters Junction Inc. has begun Phase I of its development efforts at 1010 Cass Street just north of Promenade Park.

Henry officially files for re-election

Mayor Tom Henry is proud to announce that he'll be running for to a fourth term as Fort Wayne's chief executive and has officially filed for the election.
Raytheon side logo

Raytheon awarded $80 million contract – to be managed from Fort Wayne

The five-year contract has a ceiling value of $80 million and will be managed from the Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Three additional Blue Star Banners installed

City of Fort Wayne crews has installed three additional banners as part of the Blue Star Banner program.

Four additional Blue Star Banners installed

City crews have installed four additional banners as part of the Blue Star Banner program.

Four additional Blue Star Banners installed

Today, City of Fort Wayne crews installed four banners along West Jefferson Boulevard as part of the Blue Star Banner program.

Two additional Blue Star Banners now displayed

Two additional City of Fort Wayne Blue Star Banners have been placed along West Jefferson Boulevard.

Three additional Blue Star Banners now displayed

Three additional Blue Star Banners have been placed along West Jefferson Boulevard.

Seventeen additional Blue Star Banners to be installed

Today, Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry welcomed families of 17 deployed service members to his office to view the Blue Star Banners that will be placed along West Jefferson Boulevard in the coming days.

Sixteen additional Blue Star Banners installed

Today, City of Fort Wayne crews installed 16 banners along West Jefferson Boulevard as part of the Blue Star Banner program.