Tag: NEIRP Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership
Vision 2020 launches new blog site
News release from the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership:
Vision 2020 Launches New Blog Site
(August 23, 2011) - Have you been wondering what's happening with Vision...
NISBC enhances training program with new topics
News release from the Northeast Indiana Sustainable Business Council:
NISBC Enhances Training Program with New Topics
Vision 2020 - A Program of the Northeast Indiana Regional...
New investors join NEIRP to collaborate for economic growth
Press release from the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership:
New investors join Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership to collaborate for economic growth
(December 15, 2010) - The Northeast...
Northeast Indiana representatives return from international trade missions with potential for investment
Press release from theNortheast Indiana Regional Partnership:
Northeast Indiana representatives return from international trade missions with potential for investment
John Sampson and Dale Buuck bring back...
NEIRP to join Governor Daniels on foreign trade mission
Press release from the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership:
NEIRP to join Governor Daniels on foreign trade mission
Return trip to Asia builds business connections for Northeast...
International award lands in Northeast Indiana
Press release from the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership:
International award lands in Northeast Indiana
Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership wins economic development marketing award for Italian brochure
Message to business: Dive into Northeast Indiana, the talent pool is deep
Press release from the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership:
Message to business: Dive into Northeast Indiana, the talent pool is deep
Regional Partnership Leads Effort to Market...
1,040 Northeast Indiana residents share their vision for the future at Regional Economic Summit
Press release from the Northeast Indiana Fund:
1,040 Northeast Indiana residents share their vision for the future at Regional Economic Summit
Real-time voting technology used to...
Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership to join IEDC in New York City
Press release from the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership:
Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership to join IEDC in New York City
(June 25, 2010) - Northeast Indiana Regional...
Northeast Indiana Corporate Council Announces Restructuring
Press release from the Northeast Indiana Corporate Council:
Northeast Indiana Corporate Council Announces Restructuring
The Board of Directors of Northeast Indiana Corporate Council (NICC) voted today...