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Tag: City of Fort Wayne Blue Star Banner Program

New Blue Star Banners displayed

The City of Fort Wayne installed four new Blue Star Banners yesterday to honor and recognize City of Fort Wayne residents and City of Fort Wayne government employees who are actively deployed.

Three additional Blue Star Banners installed

City of Fort Wayne crews has installed three additional banners as part of the Blue Star Banner program.

Four additional Blue Star Banners installed

City crews have installed four additional banners as part of the Blue Star Banner program.

Four additional Blue Star Banners installed

Today, City of Fort Wayne crews installed four banners along West Jefferson Boulevard as part of the Blue Star Banner program.

Two additional Blue Star Banners now displayed

Two additional City of Fort Wayne Blue Star Banners have been placed along West Jefferson Boulevard.

Two additional Blue Star Banners now displayed

Two additional Blue Star Banners have been placed along West Jefferson Boulevard bringing the total to 36 displayed.

Three additional Blue Star Banners now displayed

Three additional Blue Star Banners have been placed along West Jefferson Boulevard.

Seventeen additional Blue Star Banners to be installed

Today, Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry welcomed families of 17 deployed service members to his office to view the Blue Star Banners that will be placed along West Jefferson Boulevard in the coming days.

Blue Star Banner presented to first recipient

Today, Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry hosted a recognition event to celebrate the safe return of the first recipient of a Blue Star Banner.

Sixteen additional Blue Star Banners installed

Today, City of Fort Wayne crews installed 16 banners along West Jefferson Boulevard as part of the Blue Star Banner program.