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Tag: 2011 Elections

Tom Smith interview from yesterday

Yesterday, I sat down with Fort Wayne City Councilman Tom Smith and talked about a variety of subjects. We talked about: Trine University's desire to...

Photos and video: Today’s announcement by Russ Jehl

Today, Republican Russ Jehl formally announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the 2nd District Fort Wayne City Council seat in the May...

Additional Photos and Video from yesterday’s political activity

Additional photos and video from yesterday morning at the Allen County Election Board office. First, the photos: Republican Mayoral candidate Frederick Osheskie   Fort Wayne City Councilman Tom...

Russ Jehl announcement on Monday – 1/24/2011

Press release from the Jehl for City Council campaign: Please join Russ Jehl as he officially announces his Republican candidacy for 2nd District City Council When: 1:00pm Monday, January...

Frederick Steinke announcement from yesterday

Yesterday morning, Frederick Steinke filed his candidacy papers with the Allen County Board of Elections to run in the Democrat Mayoral May Primary. Steinke ran...

Zach Bonahoom filing press release

Press release from Republican City Clerk candidate Zach Bonahoom: Zach Bonahoom, a local entrepreneur officially filed his candidacy for Fort Wayne City Clerk today with...

Hughes campaign well-positioned for 2011 Election

Press release from Republican Mayoral candidate Paula Hughes: Hughes campaign well-positioned for 2011 Election Raises more than all Other Republican Mayoral Candidates Combined Former Allen County Council...

Eric Doden announces strong Q4 2010 fund-raising totals

Press release from Republican Mayoral candidate Eric Doden: Eric Doden announces strong Q4 2010 fund-raising totals Begins 2011 with more than $101,000 cash on hand Republican mayoral...

Liz Brown for Mayor Committee files Campaign Finance Report

Press release from Republican Mayoral candidate Liz Brown: Liz Brown for Mayor Committee Files Campaign Finance Report Brown Files Campaign Finance Report Disclosing Contributions and Expenditures...

Crawford makes it official

Press release from the John Crawford for Council Committee: Crawford for Council John Crawford has officially declared as Republican primary candidate for Fort Wayne City Council...