Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission Meeting – 9/12/2011

The Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission meets on Monday at 4:00 pm in the City Council Discussion Room in Citizens Square. On the agenda: Resolution 2011-13: Approving...

Statement of Mayor Tom Henry on The Harrison – 8/31/2011

Statement from the City of Fort Wayne: Statement of Mayor Tom Henry on The Harrison - August 31, 2011: There are deadlines. And there are deals....

Project designs for The Harrison

News release from the City of Fort Wayne: Project designs for The Harrison delivered early (July 28, 2011) - In accordance with the timeline set forth...

Hardball Capital makes first $50,000 payment

News release from Hardball Capital: Hardball Capital makes first $50,000 payment Statement from Jason Freier, CEO of Hardball Capital: "Last Friday, Mayor Tom Henry asked us to...

Mayor’s leadership secures new partners, fresh momentum for The Harrison

News release from the City of Fort Wayne: Mayor's leadership secures new partners, fresh momentum for The Harrison Local Investors Join Forces with Barry to Realize...

FW Redevelopment Commission agenda – 6/13/2011

The Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission meets tomorrow afternoon at 5:00 pm. The meeting is in the City Council Discussion Room, Room 030, Citizens Square Garden...

Harrison Square delays continue

News release from the Paula Hughes for Mayor campaign: Harrison Square delays continue Mayor Henry Continues to Cover for Barry Real Estate Former Allen County Council President...

Mayor sets report on The Harrison for June 13th

News release from the City of Fort Wayne: Mayor sets report on The Harrison for June 13 Mayor Tom Henry today announced that Chris Schoen, CEO...

Statement from Chris Schoen, Barry Real Estate on The Harrison

Statement from Chris Schoen, Barry Real Estate on The Harrison: Statement of Chris Schoen, CEO, Barry Real Estate Companies, on The Harrison: We are continuing to...

Mayor Henry letter to the Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission

The City has posted a letter sent by Mayor Tom Henry to Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission president Christopher Guerin, dated today: Mayor Henry's Letter to...