Hot Hips Benefit Hafla – 8/28/2010

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Hot Hips Benefit Hafla on August 28, 2010, at 4 pm at Soups, Salads, Spirts on Calhoun Street.

From the flyer:

Hot Hips Benefit Hafla

Long Story Short: Jenna’s mother, Rita, was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Her employer denied her a leave of absence for surgery and healing, but instead forced her to resign her LPN position. She has since undergone a number of surgeries to remove the tumor and has begun chemotherapy. Although she is feeling well, she is struggling with the burden of piling medical bills.

Entertainment throughout the event provided by the areas best belly dancers!

Here’s how we can help: CS3 has generously donated their Tiger Room for a belly dance show and silent auction. We will also have a belly dance bazaar, so you can shop until you drop!

Silent auction will include:

  • Vera Bradley
  • Mary Kay
  • Gold Canyon
  • Double K Original Prop Bag
  • Gift Certificates
  • and much more!

A bonus free mini belly dance lesson will be given at 1:00!

Date: Saturday, August 28, 2010
Time: Noon to 4 pm
Admission: $2 donation to enter
Location: Calhoun Street Soups, Salads, Spirits at 1915 S. Calhoun Street in Fort Wayne

For more information, or to donate auction or bazaar items, contact Jenna at: or (260) 414-2639

Webmaster’s note: Jenna is one of the main belly dancers in the Fort Wayne Belly Dance Alliance.  This group has generously given it’s time and energy to help many organizations in the community with their fund raising.  Here’s an opportunity to return the favor.

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