Press release from the Downtown Improvement District:
Herman and Benedict added to Downtown Improvement District Board
(May 3, 2010) – Fort Wayne City Council has recently approved the nominations of T K Herman, CEO of Aptera, Inc., and Zachary Benedict, Associate AIA, LEED AP, Senior Associate at Morrison Kattman Menze, Inc. to serve on the Board of Directors of the Fort Wayne Downtown Improvement District (DID).
The DID took action in January to expand its Board to 15 members from the former 13.
In addition, the DID Board nominated Dawn Rudolph, CEO of St. Joseph Hospital, to fill a term vacated by former St. Joseph CEO Kirk Ray. Board Members Lona Antil; Scott Glaze (Fort Wayne Metals); Charles Heiny (Haller & Colvin); and Joe Francis, all having served a previous three-year term, were nominated for an additional three-year term.
Mitch Harper, 4th District City Council Member, was appointed by City Council to represent the Council on the DID Board in 2010. Greg Leatherman, Deputy Director of Development for the City of Fort Wayne, was appointed by Mayor Henry to serve; and Commissioner Bill Brown was appointed by the Commissioners to represent Allen County.
Officers approved by the DID Board for 2010 are Charles Heiny, Chairman; Scott Glaze, Vice-Chairman; Joe Francis, Treasurer; and Ronda Hanning, Secretary.
The Downtown Improvement District is organized under Chapter 36-7-22 of Indiana Code as an “economic improvement district”. A majority of its members are required to be property owners within the 91-block, 445 acre downtown district. The DID has responsibilities for cleaning, maintaining, promoting, and marketing the downtown business district. The DID participates in the on-going planning and redevelopment of downtown with its partners, the City of Fort Wayne and the Fort Wayne Allen County Economic Development Alliance.