Rep. Matt Bell Holds 100% Voting Record

IN Representative Matt Bell's eNewsletter header.

An e-mail update from State Representative Matt Bell:

Rep. Matt Bell Holds 100% Voting Record

(STATEHOUSE – April 8, 2010) Rep. Matt Bell (R-Avilla) was acknowledged with a 100 percent voting record during the 2010 legislative session. The House of Representatives cast 279 votes throughout this year’s session.

“I do not travel to Indianapolis just to say that I am here,” Rep. Bell said. “I want your voice to be heard, and I want our community and our state to continue moving in a positive direction.”

“I take your thoughts and concerns to heart and it is reflected in my vote. You have entrusted me with your voice and that is something I do not take lightly. Therefore, I make certain a vote is cast for each and every bill.”

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