Paula Hughes to resign from AC Council?

Yesterday, Mitch Harper at Fort Wayne Observed was the first to report another possible resignation on the Allen County Council.

 Sources tell Fort Wayne Observed that another member of the Allen County Council will resign next week.

The veteran council member has reportedly accepted the offer of a position in Indianapolis. 

Last night’s Indiana News Center telecast revealed it is Paula Hughes (R-2nd District):


By Melissa Long

Indiana’s Newscenter has learned that long-time Allen County council member Paula Hughes is being considered for a top job with the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance. The republican says her heart and her family are in Fort Wayne….but the job would be difficult to turn down.

She expects to hear whether or not she got the job in the next couple of weeks. If she accepts it, she will have to move to Indianapolis. This would be the second resignation on the Allen County council in the last month. Republican Cal Miller announced his resignation December 31st.

No to be too picky, but INC’s photo included with the story is of the Fort Wayne City Council, not the Allen County Council.

She was elected in the 2006 General Election and ran unopposed.  This would leave two years on her term to be filled and two positions to be filled by a Republican Party Caucus.

I interviewd Paula a year ago for a project I’m working on.  I found her to be forthright and not afraid to tell it like it is/was.  She will be missed on the County Council!

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