Citilink Celebrates Two Million Rides

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Press Release from Citilink:

Citilink Celebrates Two Million Rides

Today, Citilink honored Ms. Joann Hamlet for being the passenger who boarded the bus for our two millionth passenger trip in 2008. This year will be the highest yearly ridership since 1990. Citilink has experienced a consistent increase in ridership since 1999 (57% total increase).

Certainly, higher gas prices contributed to the increase; however, despite a mid-year fare increase and decreased service frequency on selected routes Citilink remains a viable option for many commuters.

Ms. Hamlet has been riding the bus for the past three years. She primarily takes routes 3, 4, 8 and Flexroute 22 to school and doctor appointments. She shares “I basically know most of the drivers by face if not by name. Getting to know the drivers is the best thing about taking the bus. They are caring people who remember me and I appreciate that”. As a ‘mature student’ Ms. Hamlet also appreciates the dependability of the bus, getting her to class on time. She said that friends and family are often late or forget to come but the bus is dependable and she can count on it to get where she needs to go.

Citilink board members and staff greeted Ms. Hamlet as she boarded the bus and presented her with a Citilink/Grassroots Green reusable shopping bag that included a monthly bus pass, Subway restaurant gift card, Komets tickets, and assorted Citilink memorabilia. Ms. Hamlet exclaimed “you have made my day! The bus pass for January will help me survive the extra expenses of the holidays. I’m going to Subway as soon as I get home, there is one nearby!”

Citilink is grateful for all the riders who helped us meet our goal of two million rides this year.



Official Citilink website

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