The Broadway Corridor Presentation

Broadway Corridor Logo

Yesterday, a meeting was held at Catablu Restaurant on Broadway.  The purpose was to present the Broadway Corridor Project.  Steve Shine was joined by several community and business leaders to present improvements, grant information and other news about the corridor to the public.  The corridor will be bound by Main Street on the North side and Foster Park on the South side, basically all of Broadway.

One of the items announced and in the works is a Commercial Property Maintenance Code.  This will be complaint-driven and enforced by Neighborhood Code Enforcement.  The ordinance creating the code will be presented to the Fort Wayne City Council later this month.

I am posting a link to the video playlist here.  Please note that the setting was pretty dark, so the picture quality is not the greatest, but the audio is perfect.  Further in depth information will follow later today.

The Broadway Corridor Website

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  1. Does anyone know the story of those two eyesore bulidings right next to Zesto? They are horrid!

    As someone who lives near Foster Park and drives Broadway daily, I’m totally behind this project. So much potential!

  2. Hi, Colleen!

    I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’m going to be in that area quite a bit over the next couple of weeks, I’ll see what I can find out. Also, look for a more in depth post later today from yesterday’s meeting. There are going to be quite a few exciting things happening over the next six months.



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