Air Quality Action Day for Ozone Tomorrow – 9/2/2008

City of Fort Wayne Seal

From an email:

Attention GreenCity Newsletter Subscribers:

Tuesday, September 2nd is being declared as an Air Quality Action Day for Ozone for Fort Wayne. Expect air quality to be in the unhealthy range for sensitive groups. It is recommended that citizens with sensitive respiratory systems limit their activities outdoors.

Several actions you can do to help improve air quality include:

  • Refuel your vehicle after 7pm
  • Avoid idling and drive-thru’s
  • Use public transit or carpool
  • Walk/Bike on short trips
  • Maintain proper air pressure in tires
  • Conserve electricity by turning off computers when not in use
  • Avoid open burning and use of wood burning fireplaces for non-heating

Citilink bus service is free on Ozone Air Quality Action Days.


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