Betty Brite to sell?

At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the following ordinance was introduced as well as a public hearing held:


AN ORDINANCE amending the Thoroughfare Plan of the City Comprehensive (“Master”) Plan by vacating public right-of-way Councilmanic District #6 A 14 foot wide alley located between Fulton Street, Broadway, Jefferson Boulevard and Sturgis Street

One gentleman spoke in favor of the vacating.  He stated that his client (the owner of Betty Brite) as well as the adjacent property owner are ready to sell the properties to a third party.  The vacating is needed to join the properties.  It was mentioned that Economic Development monies were available as well as Brownstone funding.  Nothing further was mentioned, but it seems that corner of Broadway and Jefferson Boulevard is ready for some changes!

Hitzeman Betty Brite Cleaners

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