Tag: Steve McDaniel
Park Commissioners officers re-elected
A news release from Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation:
Board of Park Commissioners Officials Re-elected
(February 15, 2020) – Attorney Richard Samek was re-elected President of...
Partnership restore Foster Park Pavilion
Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation and Friends of the Parks of Allen County are coming together to restore Foster Park Pavilion #3.
Update on 2018 Parks projects and programs
Mayor Tom Henry and Parks & Recreation Director Steve McDaniel today provided an update on the 2018 capital improvement projects and programs.
Parks Commissioners meeting tomorrow
The Fort Wayne Parks Commissioners will conduct their annual organizational meeting as well as a regular monthly board meeting on Thursday, February 9, 2017.
Park Board Meeting
The Board of Park Commissioners will conduct a Monthly Board Meeting at 10 am, Thursday, June 9, 2016.
Inaugural Great Park Pick Up a success!
Mayor Tom Henry thanked volunteers for participating in the inaugural Great Park Pick Up and unveiled the new, fully stocked landscape tool trailer.
Park Board meeting agenda for 4/14/2016
The Board of Park Commissioners will conduct a Monthly Board Meeting on Thursday, April 14, 2016.
Firm chosen for Youth Sports Community Assessment and Market Potential Study
Mayor Tom Henry today announced that Aquarius Sports and Entertainment has been chosen to conduct a Youth Sports Community Assessment and Market Potential study for Fort Wayne as part of the Legacy Fort Wayne initiative.
City Park Master Plan public review & presentation
The public is invited to review and provide feedback on the draft of the Fort Wayne City Park Master Plan during the hours of 8 am - 5 pm, March 11 - 15 at the Parks and Recreation Administrative Offices, 705 East State Blvd.