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Tag: Fort Wayne City Controller

Collaborative plan to help fund vital projects up for discussion and vote

An ordinance that would fund additional public works, parks, and community health improvements will be up for discussion and a possible final vote at tonight’s City Council meeting.
City of Fort Wayne seal

Mayor Henry announces Pat Roller to retire from City Controller position

Mayor Tom Henry today announced that Pat Roller will retire from her position as City Controller effective December 31.

Breaking: Mutual agreement reached on Taviano work status

Statement from the City of Fort Wayne: Mutual agreement reached on Taviano work status City of Fort Wayne officials today announced that a resolution has been...

Controller Roller to remain – UPDATED

Mitch Harper, Fort Wayne Observed, is reporting that Controller Pat Roller, who had resigned her post effective the end of this month, is going...

High Performance Government – 12/2/2008

First, my apologies for taking so long to post this.  I have quite a stack of projects like this on my desk and am...

Controller Roller To Remain Additional Month

City of Fort Wayne Press Release: City Controller to stay one more month while search continues for replacement Pat Roller will serve through January; Deputy Controller...

2007 Audit of City Controller

John B. Kalb on the Fort Wayne Politics blog has a post about the 2007 Audit of the City Controller's office.  The report may...

2008 Continuity

Mayor-elect Tom Henry has decided to keep 6 key people on in his new administration which starts the 1st of January.  This is according...