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Tag: Chuck McQuaig

Christmas on Broadway

20th Annual Christmas on Broadway – 11/22/2024

This year’s “Christmas On Broadway” celebration, which will take place on Friday, November 22, 2024.
Prairie Farms Dairy on Lima Road.

Prairie Farms plans local $8.7m expansion

Prairie Farms Dairy today announced plans to invest $8.7 million and create up to eight new jobs over the next three years at their Fort Wayne plant.
Prairie Farms logo

Prairie Farms investing $8.7 million

Today Prairie Farms announced that an $8.7 million investment in its Fort Wayne, Ind. facility is underway.
Prairie Farms logo

Prairie Farms announces winners of “Pouring It On” grand prize

Orlan Williams of Huntington, IN was announced as the Grand Prize winner of the Prairie Farms Pouring It On sweepstakes.