Home Tags Allen County Councilwoman Paula Hughes

Tag: Allen County Councilwoman Paula Hughes

TheRealTomHenry.com can’t get its facts straight

News release from the Allen County Democratic Party: TheRealTomHenry.com Can't Get Its Facts Straight Paula Hughes Should Ask the Allen County Republican Party to Take the...

Governor Daniels among dozens sponsoring Bonahoom fundraiser

News release from the Bonahoom for City Clerk campaign: Governor Daniels Among Dozens Sponsoring Bonahoom Fundraiser More than 60 business, community and government leaders supporting Clerk...

Hughes welcomes Skillman endorsement

News release from the Hughes for Mayor campaign: Hughes welcomes Skillman endorsement Touts Skillman's Leadership in Indiana's Restoration Former Allen County Council President and candidate for Mayor...

Henry for Mayor campaign releases 3rd ad: “Promises to stop”

News release from the Henry for Mayor campaign: Henry for Mayor campaign releases 3rd ad: "Promises to stop" Paula Hughes Supported 10 Years of Tax Increases,...

Henry for Mayor: The Paula Hughes resume: 10 years of supporting tax increases

News release from the Henry for Mayor campaign: The Paula Hughes resume: 10 years of supporting tax increases Hughes has 10 year record of supporting tax...

Hughes stresses no new taxes

News release from the Hughes for Mayor campaign: Hughes stresses no new taxes Highlights Need for Stability with Small Business Owners Former Allen County Council President and...

Hughes supported quarter of a billion dollars in downtown taxpayer spending

News release from the Henry for Mayor campaign: Hughes supported quarter of a billion dollars in downtown taxpayer spending Now Criticizes Public Investment in Downtown From 2000-2007...

Under Mayor Henry, City on track to cut nearly as much debt as Paula...

News release from the Henry for Mayor campaign: Under Mayor Henry, City on track to cut nearly as much debt as Paula Hughes Hughes plan: raid...

Harrison Square delays continue

News release from the Paula Hughes for Mayor campaign: Harrison Square delays continue Mayor Henry Continues to Cover for Barry Real Estate Former Allen County Council President...

Allen County Democratic Party responds to Steve Shine, Mitch Harper

News release from the Allen County Democratic Party: ASK MITCH HARPER THE QUESTION Did Mitch Harper delay cutting red-tape for business because Paula Hughes asked him...