Weather may impact COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

Hoosiers who have COVID-19 vaccination appointments scheduled this week should be aware that inclement weather could impact clinic operations.

96k+ Hoosiers 65-69 schedule COVID-19 vaccination

Nearly 96,000 Hoosiers ages 65 to 69 had scheduled appointments to receive their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine as of 5 p.m. Monday.
Fort Wayne, Indiana Volunteer Center COVID-19 vaccine

Assist at the COVID-19 vaccination clinic

The Volunteer Center is partnering with the Allen County Board of Health to provide volunteers for the ongoing COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Coliseum.

250k+ 70+ signed up for COVID-19 vaccine

Today, the Indiana State Department of Health reported that more than 250k Hoosiers 70+ have appointments to receive their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

70 and older eligible for COVID-19 vaccine

Today, the Indiana State Department of Health announced that Hoosiers age 70 and older could begin scheduling appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 Fort Wayne Indiana Allen County Department of Health logo

Local COVID-19 vaccination clinic opens Wednesday

The Allen County Department of Health will open a COVID-19 vaccination clinic beginning Wednesday, January 13, 2021, at the Memorial Coliseum.

85k+ Seniors sign up for COVID-19 vaccine

Nearly 86,000 Hoosiers age 80 or older have scheduled appointments to receive the free COVID-19 vaccine as of 4 p.m. Sunday.

75k+ Seniors sign up for COVID-19 vaccination

More than 75,000 Hoosiers age 80 or older have scheduled appointments to receive free COVID-19 vaccination as of 4 p.m. Saturday.

53k+ Seniors sign up for COVID-19 vaccine

Today more than 53k Hoosiers age 80 or older have scheduled appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine as of 4:00 pm, the first day of eligibility for this age group.

33.5K register for free COVID-19 vaccine

Today, a total of 33,500 Hoosiers registered for a free COVID-19 vaccine between 9 and 11:30 a.m., the first day of eligibility for this age group.