Fairmount Place Public Hearing

The public hearing for this project's vacation request is tonight at 5:30 pm in room 128 of the City-County building.  The ordinance, however, will...

The Charis House ministry

The Charis House is a division of the Fort Wayne Rescue Mission Ministries. This organization, located in downtown Fort Wayne, provides emergency and...

Fairmount Place Revisited

(Note: This issue comes before the Fort Wayne City Council tomorrow in the form of a public hearing and vacation request. This...

Fairmount Place follow up

Last Wednesday, I posted a couple of questions focused in part on the property outlined above: Let's say that you were given property that is...

The week ahead…

Busy week ahead! Monday The Fort Wayne Plan Commission meets in a business meeting to discuss the hiring of a new attorney.  More on this...

Plan Commission: No To Executive Committee

I was unable to attend Monday's session of the Fort Wayne Plan Commission, but an article in Tuesday's Journal Gazette, by Ben Lanka, reports...

FW Plan Commission Mtg – 10/27/2008

The Fort Wayne Plan Commission has a Business Meeting scheduled for tomorrow, October 27, 2008.  The meeting begins at 5:00 pm in room 128...