AFW #ThrowBacks: Parkview Field, 15 years ago
The outfield wall at Parkview Field is in the final months of construction in this photo from January 20, 2009.
2009 Parkview Field Video Board installation
A look back at the 2009 installation of the video board at Parkview Field.
AFW Throwback: 85th Year anniversary of Olen J. Pond memorial dedication
The Olen J. Pond Memorial, dedicated 85 years ago on November 11, 1930, is in Memorial Park and can be seen from Jefferson Boulevard.
Teaser for this week’s AroundFortWayne #ThrowBackThursday
Teaser for this week's AroundFortWayne #ThrowBackThursday with local artist Julia Meek.
AFW #ThrowBackThursday: Care to walk across the Spy Run Creek?
A the end of August, 2008, one could walk across the Spy Run Creek where it empties into the St. Marys River between Headwaters and Lawton Parks.
AFW TBT: Wizards last game and Parkview Field under construction
Six years ago tonight, the Fort Wayne Wizards played their last home game at Memorial Stadium and Parkview Field was under construction.