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Op-ed: “Transit is a good investment for Indiana”

The truth is, transit is a good investment for Indiana: Every dollar we invest in public transit delivers more than $3.11 in benefits.

Continue to support Iran

The situation in Iran continues to deteriorate. I know that this is a local blog, but the cry for fair treatment and just elections,...
John Gregg

Opinion: A lesson in civics and life

Letter to the Editor from John Gregg, 2012 Democratic nominee for Indiana Governor.

Opinion: Lobbyists hiring, surprise?!?

Last week, it was revealed that the City had in it's employ two lobbying firms whose function was to lobby our State General Assembly...

Opinion: You forgot something, JG

After the Escobedo shooting: The window circled in blue is my apartment's bedroom. The smaller window on the right and bigger picture window were Escobedo's...

Opinion: Dan Jehl on John McGauley

Webmaster's note: AroundFortWayne does not endorse candidates. This article was written by Dan Jehl and is his personal opinions and work and does not...
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Op-Ed: Businesses can assist with body-camera purchases

Please consider coming together to help acquire the tools needed to keep pace with ongoing safety concerns of our citizens and communities.
Zach Bonahoom

Extreme zeal vs political savvy and why Republicans are losing

Extreme Zeal vs Political Savvy and why Republicans are losing

Opinion: Realistic riverfront opportunities

Realistic riverfront opportunities in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  (Map provided by Dan Wire) One of the ideas debated in the recent Charis House proposal for Fairmount...

Opinion: ‘Not in my backyard!’

'Not in my backyard' or NIMBY as some have dubbed it, is a phrase uttered whenever development or projects are opposed by a neighborhood...