Mayor Tucker, FWPD, FWFD, and TRAA provide public safety updates

Today, Fort Wayne Mayor Sharon Tucker provided a public safety update on the Fort Wayne Fire and Police Departments and the Three Rivers Ambulance Authority.

City of Fort Wayne, Indiana news release:

Public safety continues to be a top priority as Mayor Tucker, FWPD, FWFD, and TRAA provide updates on efforts to keep the community as safe as possible

Fort Wayne, Indiana (January 22, 2025) – As part of her ongoing commitment to transparency, open communication, and dialogue, Mayor Sharon Tucker today provided a public safety update on the Fort Wayne fire and police departments and Three Rivers Ambulance Authority (TRAA).

Public safety continues to be a top priority for Mayor Tucker’s Administration. Being able to meet the needs of residents, neighborhoods, and businesses helps Fort Wayne be the safest city possible.

Mayor Tucker values and respects the excellent work that’s performed each day by police officers, firefighters, and first responders.

As part of today’s announcement, Mayor Tucker highlighted that later this year the Fort Wayne Police Department will expand its downtown patrol team and create a downtown patrol district. With the growth and popularity in our downtown, having additional officers in multiple areas will complement the positive experiences that we want residents to have while utilizing the many amenities that are offered in the heart of Fort Wayne. The City Administration is supportive of this plan and looks forward to seeing how the new district comes together.

Update on TRAA:

The public can take comfort in knowing that TRAA and the Fort Wayne Fire Department continue to respond to emergencies inside City of Fort Wayne limits in a timely and professional manner and have a strong commitment to saving lives.

TRAA has been meeting compliance measures in two of the last three months with December’s miss by a small percentage, and staffing levels are on the rise. Mayor Tucker is in regular communication with TRAA Executive Director Joel Benz as the City Administration works to make sure a thoughtful and workable plan for emergency medical services in the City of Fort Wayne happens.

The City is continuing its commitment to working on developing a sustainable model for emergency services for the short term and long term. The exact features of what emergency medical services could look like in the City moving forward haven’t been determined. That’s part of the ongoing research, due diligence, and open dialogue to find a process that’s most beneficial and sustainable for patients and taxpayers.

FWPD Data and Highlights from 2024:

  • There were 33 homicides in 2024, with an 88% clearance rate. The FWPD Homicide Unit has a five-year average of an 88% clearance rate. The 88% is also well above the national average of a 53% clearance rate.
  • Five cold case homicides were solved in 2024: cases from 2001, 2006, 2011, 2012 and 2017.
  • FWPD Homicide Detectives partnered with Trine University to create a university Cold Case Unit to assist in examining evidence in cold cases. This is the first university partnership in Indiana, based on a program between Western Michigan University and Michigan State Police.
  • Overall crime decreased by 2.81% in 2024. Robberies decreased by 14.8%; Burglaries decreased by 14.1%; Larcenies decreased by 2.9%; Vehicle Thefts decreased by 11.3% and Property Crimes decreased by 4.9%.
  • Authorized strength of 500 officers was maintained.
  • The FWPD’s 68th Recruit class graduated, and those 18 Officers are on the streets.
  • The FWPD Traffic Unit was implemented, focusing on traffic education and enforcement.
  • The FWPD River Boat Patrol Unit was deployed for seasonal patrols of the rivers.
  • The Downtown seasonal Bike Patrol Unit expanded.
  • The Drone program was expanded to assist officers with investigations, locating missing persons, documenting crime scenes, monitoring special events and the Drone as First Responder Program.
  • The FWPD Internship program was implemented for college students interested in a career in criminal justice.

FWPD Plans for 2025:

  • Authorized staffing of police officers will grow to 510 officers through a Federal COPS Grant.
  • The FWPD’s 69th police recruit class will begin in February and the FWPD Forensic Unit will be expanded.
  • The effectiveness of the Traffic Unit will be evaluated as the program continues.
  • A new online report system will be implemented through the FWPD Police Desk, expanding the number of reports available for citizens to complete and adding a phone app.
  • The Community Relations/Public Affairs unit will be expanded to enhance relationships with the community.
  • A Citizens Academy will be implemented, enabling community residents to become more familiar with law enforcement operations, procedures, and responsibilities.
  • The FWPD will participate in the Northeast Indiana Gun Crime Task Force with surrounding local and federal agencies to solve and reduce violent crime.
  • The FWPD will explore more ways to use technology to improve operational efficiency to solve and reduce crime.

FWFD Highlights for 2024

  • The FWFD responded to over 23,000 calls for service which represents a 9% reduction in total run volume when compared to 2023.
  • Over 350 fires were investigated and 16 people were arrested for arson related crimes.
  • The FWFD completed over 103,000 hours of training, a 5% increase from 2023, and over 100 training burns in the structure fire training facility.
  • The 96th academy recruit class graduated, bringing the total headcount to 357. The 29 recruits in the class completed over 960 hours of training over the 24-week academy and received over 10 state and federal certifications, establishing Fort Wayne’s training process as the gold standard for fire departments.
  • Continuing a decades-long relationship with the Three Rivers Ambulance Authority, the FWFD responded to almost 10,000 EMS calls for service, assisting with advanced life-saving care as the system’s first responders. Over 300 of those emergency calls for service required a FWFD medic to accompany the TRAA medics to the hospital to assist with care.
  • FWFD medics were credentialed, expanding their access to life saving medications carried by TRAA ambulances.
  • In 2024 the Fort Wayne Department achieved a true Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) rate of 16% while the national average is 9%.
  • The FWFD Emergency Medical Simulation Vehicle was placed into service, allowing the FWFD to complete over 500 hours of training without having to take an apparatus or any personnel out of service.
  • The Public Education Division completed over 456 training and outreach programs, reaching over 30,000 residents, oversaw the installation of over 180 smoke detectors, 10 smoke detectors for the hearing impaired, and over 140 carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Engines 1, 6, 12, 14 and 18 were delivered.

FWFD Plans for 2025

  • Designs for the new Fire Station 5, located in Waynedale, will be completed and ground will be broken.
  • The 97th recruit class will graduate from the FWFD Basic Training Academy, which will increase the staffing level to over 370 firefighters, the highest level of staffing ever achieved by the FWFD.
  • One new Engine is expected to be delivered. An Engine and Ladder Truck will be ordered. The lead time on Engines is 30 months, and the lead time on Ladder Trucks is 40 months.
  • New technologies will be researched and implemented into emergency response.
  • New ways to expand public education offerings will be explored.
  • Investments to improve and add to the FWFD infrastructure will continue.
  • Efforts to improve Insurance Service Office (ISO) ratings will continue.

“The safety of our community continues to be strong and I’m thankful for the men and women of the police, fire, and TRAA departments for the continued commitment to public safety,” said Mayor Tucker. “We know there’s more work ahead and we’re confident that we’ll be able to continue to meet the needs of the public through best practices, open communication, and trust.”

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