A male suspect in a domestic battery was arrested by Fort Wayne police officers after a witness reported to police, she observed a male choking a female and dragging her towards the back of a home in the 2100 block of St. Mary’s Ave while she was screaming for help.
Fort Wayne Police Department incident report:
Barricaded Man Arrested
Incident Date: June 1, 2024
Location: 2100 block of St. Mary’s Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Time: 07:53 hours
Suspect Arrested: Michael Patrick Barlow, 28 years of age
Preliminary Charges:
- Level 6 Felony Strangulation
- Level 6 Felony Criminal Confinement
- Misdemeanor Domestic Battery
A male suspect in a domestic battery was arrested by Fort Wayne police officers after a witness reported to police, she observed a male choking a female and dragging her towards the back of a home in the 2100 block of St. Mary’s Ave while she was screaming for help. Officers responded to the area and attempted to locate the female. Initially officers where unable to locate the female victim; however, during the investigation, officers were able to locate the female victim and identify the male suspect holding the female against her will inside a home. The male suspect was identified as Michael Patrick Barlow.
Officers were able to safely get the female victim out of the home, but Barlow was refusing to follow officers’ commands to exit the home. Due to Barlow’s continued refusal to exit the home, the Fort Wayne Police Department’s Emergency Services Team, the Crisis Response Team, and Air Support Unit responded to assist. Barlow remained barricaded in the home for approximately four hours until he was taken into custody at approximately 2pm by Emergency Services Team members who entered the home.