The Fort Wayne Plan Commission meets tonight at Citizens Square for several public hearings including the Headwaters Junction Phase 1 project and new addition and renovations to Columbia Street West on The Landing.
The meeting is at 5:30 pm in room 035 at Citizens Square.
There are two downtown projects before the Commission.
The Headwaters Junction Primary Development Plan has been amended and returns for a public hearing. The developers are asking for a waiver for the required off-street parking requirement. Parking will be shared with the property on the west side of the proposed development.

A second request is also being submitted to reduce the required 25′ front yard setback to 5′. According to the waiver request, the decreased setback will allow access to all sides of the storage facility without creating any interference or issues and will not affect its primary use or value.
The Landing’s Columbia Street West renovation and addition.

We asked The Model Group’s Vice-President of Mixed-Use project’s Jason Chamlee about the project earlier.
- 11 apartments will be added; are these 1 or 2 bedrooms?
Yes, 11 new units – 10 Studio and 1 1-BR. We also have 10 units being rehabbed in existing buildings: 7 Studios and 3 1-BR. Total of 21 units in the development project. - Will retail space be included?
There will not be any new retail spaces added. However, we will be rehabbing the existing ground floor commercial space for new business tenants, including the former Columbia Street West space. - Do you have an estimate on the dollar amount of the project?
$12M - Any comments on the group’s continued investment in The Landing?
The Landing has been a huge success and the community’s response to the residential and commercial space has exceeded expectations. Even in the face of the Pandemic and COVID-related challenges and restrictions, the project has persevered and Columbia Street has become a very special place that is uniquely Fort Wayne. - Anything you would like to add?
We are excited to continue our investment in and around Columbia Street to continue to double down on The Landing.

- Primary Plat PP-2021-0018 – Pine Valley Country Club Ninth Addition, Lot 550, 2229 Ransom Drive – Benjamin Ewald. Download the PP.
- Primary Plat PP-2021-0019 – Pine Valley Country Club First Addition, portions of Lots 175 and 176, 1331 Clarion Drive – Bret and Elizabeth Arthur. Download the PP.
- Primary Development Plan PDP-2021-0028 – Headwaters Junction, Amended, 1010 Cass Street – Headwaters Junction, Inc. Download the PDP.
- Rezoning Petition REZ-2021-0029 and Primary Development Plan PDP-2021-0024 – Homestead Road Apartments
Foresight Consulting. Download the REZ and PDP. - Primary Development Plan PDP-2021-0023 and Primary Plat PP-2021-0023 Somerset Townhomes and Somerset Villas – Reincke-Norris, LLC. Download the PDP and PP.
- Primary Development Plan PDP-2021-0021 – Columbia Street West Renovation and Addition – Model Group. Download the PDP.
- Primary Development Plan PDP-2021-0020 – Take 5 Oil and Change and Express Car Wash – 1050 East Coliseum Boulevard – Rosa Morquecho. Download the PDP.
Next Business Meeting: July 19, 2021, at 5:30 in Room 030 Garden Level, Citizens Square, 200 East Berry Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Next Public Hearing: August 9, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 035 Garden Level, Citizens Square, 200 East Berry, Fort Wayne, Indiana
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