Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control news release announcing their awarding of a $10K grant to save neonatal kittens.
FWACC Receives $10K Grant to Save Neonatal Kittens
Fort Wayne, Indiana (April 28, 2021) – Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control is continuing its efforts to save the lives of kittens through fostering thanks to a new partnership with the Orphan Kitten Club.
As an Orphan Kitten Club partner, FWACC has received a $10,000 grant to purchase a new kennel system in the foster department to expand care, secure more incubators for neonatal kittens and provide supplies to foster families caring for the most vulnerable kittens at the shelter.
The Orphan Kitten Club is a national organization founded by Hannah Shaw, better known as the Kitten Lady. The Kitten Lady is nationally known professional kitten rescuer and humane educator who travels the country to teach classes about kitten care and has gained a loyal social media following.
Kittens brought into the shelter without a mother are at the most risk of serious disease and death if proper care isn’t given immediately and, in most cases, around the clock. In past years there was not a life-saving option available to these animals, but after working to recruit fosters and resources aimed at neonatal kittens we’ve gone on to save thousands of lives in just a few years.
Our foster program is solely funded by donations and grants like this one. Foster families receive training and all the supplies needed to care for their foster animal(s). Foster families interested in caring for neonatal kittens also go through additional training to learn how to properly care for and bottle feed our tiniest residents. If you are interested in fostering visit https://www.cityoffortwayne.org/animal-care-and-control.html.
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