AG Hill's statement on early voting

Attorney General Curtis Hill today issued the following statement in regard to his involvement in a federal case concerning satellite sites for early voting in Marion County:

Secretary of State Connie Lawson today released an ill-informed statement purveying the misconception that I oppose early-voting satellite sites in Marion County. That is not true, and our position in court, if successful, would not block early voting sites. Rather, it would leave the decision in the hands of the Marion County Election Board.
Nothing we have said in federal court would prevent Marion County from having as many early-voting satellite sites as it would like, pursuant to state law.
Secretary Lawson has expressed her concern for ‘the will of Marion County voters.’ Therefore, I am surprised she would support the effort to bind future Marion County election boards by injunction from a federal court.
As it happens, the Secretary of State does not enforce the statute at issue. Further, she was dismissed out of the case in June of 2017 and therefore was no longer a party to the case. There is nothing ‘reckless’ about an attorney general intervening in federal court on behalf of the state – my client – to defend the proper operation of state laws. That is the attorney general’s job.”


Documents relevant to the case, including Secretary Lawson’s dismissal from the case:

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