Today’s 35th annual Germanfest activities for Monday, June 6, 2015:
12:15 – 12:45 p.m. – Organ Concert
Zion Lutheran Church, 2313 South Hanna Street
Organist: Dr. Michael Hollman
5:00 p.m. – Köstritzer Schwarzbier Nacht
Club Soda, 235 East Superior Street
Celebrate Köstritzer Schwarzbier Nacht at Club Soda. Thuringer Brats and Köstritzer Schwarzbier will be available for your enjoyment on the patio. The German Heritage Society will be your hosts for an evening of German food, music and fun. Admission Free.
6:30 p.m. – Maskrugstemmen Kontest
Club Soda, 235 East Superior Street
Join 96.3 XKE in this annual arm-to-the-wall contest pitting people against steins of beer. The winner is the person holding the extended stein of beer the longest, without spilling!!
7:00 p.m. – Piano and Voice Recital
First Wayne Street United Methodist Church, 300 East Wayne Street
Enjoy the annual musical event celebrating German composers sponsored by the Northeast Indiana Music Teachers Association. Admission is Free.
Visit the official Germanfest website.