“Soil-to-Soil”…The Environmental Cycle of Life


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News release from Hoosier ReLeaf:

“Soil-to-Soil”…The Environmental Cycle of Life

(March 24, 2016) – Hoosier ReLeaf is pleased to present this very special event in recognition of Earth Day, Arbor Day, Enviro Day, Eco Day, and World Soil Day. From wetlands to city parks; from birds-of-prey to honeybees; from trees and plants to the chairs you sit on and the food on your table…this commemorative celebration features over 50 public, private, and not-for-profit groups representing local, state, and national environmental interests. “Soil-to-Soil” is an official Indiana Bicentennial event designed to raise awareness of environmental issues and the importance of being responsible stewards of our planet. Soil provides the basis for life. It is the link between food, water, clothing, shelter, climate, energy, biodiversity, and ecosystems. Through recycling, composting and responsible use of resources, we give it back. It’s the environmental cycle of life.

The April 25th event will feature displays, educational activities, presentations, demonstrations, samples, tree planting, woodcarvings, food, a silent auction…and more. Local dignitaries will be on hand to make the proceedings official [Senator Dennis Kruse, City Forester Chad Tinkle, Mayor Tom Henry]. And live bluegrass music by the “Kitchen Table Players”.

Special guest Tim Womick…”the Modern-day Johnny Appleseed”… is the keynote speaker scheduled for 530 p.m. Other special guests include: Smokey Bear; Woody the Sap Tapper; Johnny TinCap; Steward; and Dr. I.C. Coldwater.


Parkview Field
Home of the Fort Wayne TinCaps
1301 Ewing Street • Fort Wayne IN 46802

Monday, April 25, 2016 – 3pm to 8pm

Admission is FREE and open to the public

A complete list of participants is available at www.HoosierReLeaf.com and Facebook.com/HoosierReLeaf


About Hoosier ReLeaf
Founded in 1991, Hoosier ReLeaf is a not-for-profit education and action organization aimed at improving our environment through more and better trees. Hoosier ReLeaf encourages citizens across the state of Indiana to preserve the environment and to reforest local communities through its sponsorship and coordination of tree-planting projects and environmental education programs. It is a volunteer organization supported by limited funding from state and national grants, and donor contributions. www.HoosierReLeaf.com – Facebook.com/HoosierReLeaf.


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