Bogus Jury Duty calls surface again in Allen County


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News release from the Allen Superior Court:

Bogus Jury Duty Calls Surface Again In Allen County
Court does not make phone calls, demand payments for missed jury duty

(September 9, 2015) – A persistent scam involving phone calls claiming that the recipient has missed jury duty and owes a fine have surfaced again in Allen County.

The calls have been reported this week and originate from a 260 area code telephone number. An individual claiming to be a police detective instructs the recipient that they have missed jury duty, a warrant has been issued for his or her arrest and that the person must purchase a reloadable debit card in order to pay off a resulting fine.

“These calls do not originate from any legitimate source,” said Allen Superior Court Judge Frances C. Gull. “They are nothing more than an attempt to defraud unsuspecting citizens. Prospective jurors who fail to respond have never – and will never – be pursued in such a manner. ”

In Allen County, all legitimate contact with prospective jurors occurs in writing, beginning with a postcard requesting certain information to determine eligibility for jury service. Personal information, such as bank or credit card numbers, is never requested.

Should an individual fail to report for jury duty, they can be compelled to attend by the Sheriff. They can also be fined and held in contempt of court. None of these actions, however, are communicated over the telephone.

Anyone with questions about jury duty service, including questions regarding the legitimacy of an unsolicited contact, may call the Allen Superior Court Jury Management Office at (260) 449-7520 or (260) 449-7022.


Read also – Sheriff: Jury Duty and IRS phone scams fraud alert.

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