The Swatch-O-Rama at the Fort Wayne Regional Maker Faire

FW Regional Maker Faire logo.

News release from TekVenture:

The Swatch-O-Rama

(August 21, 2013) – So what is a Swatch-O-Rama? Sara Geyman, a local artisan who’s mission is to make things beautiful, is working to bring fabric artists, quilters and crafters a special treat. Clean out your craft drawers and bring your junk to the Maker Faire! We’ll provide the space. You provide materials, threads, needles, and any items that Makers can use for other projects. Bring them to Maker Faire and Swap away – and it’s all free!

Fan favorite Casey Drudge known for his Chain Reaction Challenge machines and 3D quilt work will be back this year. He’s excited about the Swatch-O-Rama. Come see Casey’s ode to Rube Goldberg machines and totally unique fabric art pieces. He might even swap you a swatch to include in his next art piece.


Visit the Fort Wayne Regional Maker Faire’s website


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