Mayor Henry’s statement on recent police action shootings

City of Fort Wayne seal

Statement from Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry:

I want to take this opportunity to thank Fort Wayne Police Chief Rusty York and the Fort Wayne Police Department for their commitment and dedication to ensuring that our City is as safe as possible.

Earlier today and last weekend, there were police-action shootings in our City. Our law enforcement officials are doing everything they can to combat challenges that are difficult to address.

I recognize we face challenges with guns, gangs, drugs, and mental illness in our community. By working together, my administration, the police department, our neighborhoods, and citizens can overcome these obstacles.

I want to reassure the citizens of Fort Wayne that public safety is a top priority of my administration.

We live, work, and play in a safe City. I want citizens and visitors alike to enjoy what our City has to offer. We have great businesses, neighborhoods, schools, parks, and a quality of life that is second to none. Now more than ever, we need to be united as a City. I believe in Fort Wayne, and by coming together, we’re going to be an even stronger City.

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