News release from Allen County Treasurer Sue Orth:
Treasurer Encourages County Property Taxpayers to Choose E-billing
Sign up by Nov. 1 to receive fall bill electronically
Allen County property taxpayers who want to receive their tax bills by email beginning with the fall bill need to sign up online with the Treasurer’s office by November 1.
To sign up for E-billing, go online to and click the link for electronic billing. You will be directed to the sign up site and can choose the tax bills you wish to receive electronically. Those who choose E-billing can still pay by traditional payment methods or can select a free electronic payment option at the time they get their bill.
Earlier this year, Allen County became the first county in the state of Indiana to develop and offer this service in house. So far, around 600 property taxpayers have signed up for E-billing. “Electronic tax bills save tax dollars, reduce paper use and are very convenient,” said Treasurer Sue Orth.
As with all property taxes, it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to pay their taxes. “If you are signed up for e-mail billing and your e-mail address has changed, be sure to update your records or call us and we will update your information for you,” Orth said.
For questions about electronic tax bills, tax bill payment options, or other related information, contact the Treasurer’s office at 260-449-7693 or email