
Joint Statement from HCCSC and FWCS

News release from the Fort Wayne Community Schools:

Joint Statement from HCCSC and FWCS

Fort Wayne Community Schools and Huntington County Community School Corporation have concluded investigations into the allegations made following Friday night’s football game between North Side High School and Huntington North High School. Both sides acknowledge unacceptable behavior occurred. The days since the game have reaffirmed that our communities are sensitive to the issues of race and the need for respectful treatment of all involved.

Both school corporations are committed to use this as an opportunity to learn and grow. We understand that communities can have historical perceptions of one another that often feed into stereotypes and misperceptions. We also understand the tension that occurs in the heat of a game. It is the responsibility of the adults in the school community to teach our young adults the proper ways to handle such situations.

As we jointly move forward in our efforts to reconcile this issue, we will work with our student athletes and their parents to set a positive direction for the future. This fall, we will provide additional training on sportsmanship and issues related to the appreciation of and sensitivity to diversity. We stand committed to work together toward a common goal and ask both communities to assist us in positively resolving this issue.

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