Lack of technology in Clerk’s office caused uproar

Zach Bonahoom for City Clerk campaign logo.

Republican candidate for Fort Wayne City Clerk, Zach Bonahoom, recently submitted a Letter to the Editor at the Journal Gazette which thus far has not been printed:

Lack of technology in Clerk’s office caused uproar
By Fort Wayne Republican candidate for City Clerk, Zach Bonahoom

On August 2nd I was asked by Councilwoman Liz Brown to assist with converting a Microsoft Word document to enable the City Clerk’s outdated computer to read the document. (The computer software provided by the Clerk for presentations uses software over 10 years old.) Clerk Kennedy complained to Council President Mitch Harper regarding my involvement. Her complaints illustrate the attitude of “politics as usual.” Over the years Clerk’s Office (under Clerk Kennedy’s guidance) has failed to keep pace with and stay up to date with necessary and cost saving technology. As a result the clerks staff also has not been afforded the proper training in matters of technology. Ms. Kennedy’s complaints are indeed a reflection on her lack of leadership and failure to stay abreast of the same technology that other cities and towns, businesses and families use every day. There is no excuse for this. We need to bring our City into the 21st Century to save money and increase efficiency and provide better service to our citizens.


Zach Bonahoom for City Clerk website


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