2011 Primary Election Candidate Meet & Greet – 4/17/2011

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An invitation from Zach Bonahoom for office:

You’re invited…
2011 Primary Election Candidate Meet & Greet
Hosted by Zach Bonahoom for City Clerk

When: Sunday, April 17th, 2011
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Where: Halls Guest House (1313 Washington Ctr Rd., Fort Wayne, IN, 46825)
Contribution: $22 for individuals; $40 families

At 3 p.m, Zach will:

Explain what the City Clerk does, and why he is the best man for the job
Outline his plan to cut the City Clerk’s budget and make government more accessible
Outline his plan to make parking easier for everyone
Come meet the Republican ticket for this years Primary Election!
Invite all friends and family to this important meet and greet!

Other candidates in attendance:


Paula Hughes
Liz Brown
Eric Doden

City Council:

Ken Nicolet, 1st district
Tom Smith, 1st
Jerome Gaines, 2nd
Kurt Gutman, 2nd
Russ Jehl, 2nd
Tom Didier, 3rd
Mitch Harper, 4th
Ben Hall, 5th
John Crawford, At-Large
Tom Freistroffer, At-Large
Ivan Hood, At-Large

Come meet the Republican ticket for this years Primary Election!
Invite all friends and family to this important meet and greet!

Please RSVP by 4/14/11

Online: ZachforClerk.Eventsbot.com (purchase tickets here)
Email: ZachForClerk@gmail.com or REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE


Webmaster’s note: Normally, individual candidate fundraisers are not publicized on this website. However, due to the number of candidates involved in this event, it was felt and exception was warranted.


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