FWCS to be featured in training video

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Media release from Fort Wayne Community Schools:

FWCS to be featured in training video

(February 7, 2011) – Fort Wayne Community Schools will be featured in a training video being created by the HOPE Foundation, a Bloomington-based organization focused on developing building leadership and strengthening school cultures.

The HOPE Foundation (www.hopefoundation.org) was established in 1989 and focuses on the belief that failure is not an option. Each of FWCS’ buildings has been involved in the Foundation’s Courageous Leadership Academy for at least two years. The training includes teachers and administrators, providing them with tools to use as they work together on school improvement initiatives.

The training is based on six principles:

[list type=”BW”]
[li]Common mission, vision, values and goals[/li]
[li]Achievement for all students with systems for intervention and prevention[/li]
[li]Collaborative teaming focused on teaching and learning[/li]
[li]Data guides decision-making and continuous improvement[/li]
[li]Gaining active engagement from family and community[/li]
[li]Building sustainable leadership capacity[/li]

These principles build upon systems already in place in the district, including the leadership programs created over the last 10 years with financial help from the Wallace Foundation.

The training video is based on the book, “Failure Is Not an Option,” by HOPE Founder and President Alan M. Blankstein. The video will be used by other teachers and schools across the country who are interested in learning more about the HOPE principles.

On Wednesday, Feb. 9, and Thursday, Feb. 10, camera crews from School Improvement Network (SINET), Corwin and HOPE executives will visit Scott Academy, Memorial Park Middle School and South Side High School to see teachers putting the HOPE principles into action. The taping will begin with Scott Academy’s professional development time during the regular Wednesday 30-minute delay. The camera crew will then follow teachers throughout the day as they use the skills and practices discussed during the delay time. District administrators and students will also be interviewed as part of the video.

“Our teachers and principals have spent many hours working together to embrace and put into action the HOPE principles in order to make their schools better,” said Superintendent Dr. Wendy Robinson. “We are proud that our staff can serve as an example to others who are striving to improve student achievement.”

The online course will be available through SINET (www.schoolimprovement.com) later this year.

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