Allen County Treasurer Annual Tax Sale results

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Press release from Allen County Treasurer Sue Orth:

Allen County Treasurer Annual Tax Sale results

(September 23, 2010) – Sue Orth, Allen County Treasurer, announced that the tax sale which was held on September 22nd sold 589 properties and recouped a total of $1,934,375.18 in taxes owed. These are funds that will be distributed to the local units of government including cities, schools, library, and so on.

We had 1,056 properties go into the sale with taxes owing of $2,713,174.10. The properties that did not sell will be deeded to the County.

One hundred sixty nine bidders from cities all over the country participated.

In 2009 we went into the sale with 1,136 and sold 427.

Seven top bidders:

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