Hayhurst: 7 days and no response

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Press release from the Tom Hayhurst for Congress, 3rd Indiana Congressional District campaign:

7 days and no response
Stutzman doesn’t respond, Hayhurst issues new challenge

One week ago, Tom Hayhurst, 3rd district candidate for Congress, stood with local farmers and questioned Marlin Stutzman’s inconsistent statements at a local Goshen Rotary Club meeting. Today, Dr. Hayhurst held another press conference addressing his opponent’s position and response.

Hayhurst stated, “my opponent has been an outspoken critic of farm subsidies while accepting nearly $1,000,000 in federal aid. It has been 7 days since I challenged Mr. Stutzman on these inconsistencies and he hasn’t responded-I will issue my challenge again. Mr. Stutzman, if you are truly against farm subsidies for family farms, will you donate that $1,000,000 back to the treasury or a local charity or church?”

At the Goshen Rotary Club event Stutzman stated, “I think it’s time to get rid of farm subsidies,” and “the subsidies only manipulate the market “while proceeding to suggest we need to decrease Medicare and Medicaid access for seniors in Indiana.

Hayhurst responded, “I wholeheartedly disagree with Marlin Stutzman. In many areas of Indiana, Hoosier farmers are the backbone of their community and some desperately need help. It appears after Mr. Stutzman’s 5th run for office in less than 3 years, he is becoming a typical politician, saying one thing and doing another while forgetting about working men and women,” said Hayhurst.

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  1. Ok!! Enough! You made your point. Are you going to make this a regular Friday thing and throw out another challenge until we get to election day? The first time was ok, this is just whinning pure and simple and tends to turn people off! Give it a rest.


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