Health department to spray for mosquitoes – 8/10/2010

Fort Wayne-Allen County Health Department logo

Press release from the Fort Wayne-Allen County Department of Health:

Health department to spray for mosquitoes

The Fort Wayne-Allen County Department of Health will again be spraying for mosquitoes this week to help combat West Nile virus.

Vector control crews will spray Tuesday in a half-mile radius around the 3100 block of Pennsylvania Street, the 3000 block of Wayne Trace and the 2400 block of Euclid Avenue in Fort Wayne.

Additional spraying will occur Wednesday in a half-mile radius around the 4700 block of Weisser Park Avenue and the 4900 block of South Wayne Avenue, as a result of West Nile virus activity in mosquitoes in those areas.

Maps of the proposed spray areas are included with this release and available on the department’s Web site at

Spraying will begin at approximately 8:30 p.m. each day, weather permitting. Spraying will not occur when the temperature is below 55 °F, wind speeds exceed 10 mph or it is raining.

Mosquitoes can carry the West Nile virus which, when transmitted to humans, can cause symptoms such as fever, headaches, body aches, swollen lymph glands or a rash. A more severe form of the disease can lead to neurological disorders, coma and even death.

The health department’s mosquito control program focuses on eliminating potential breeding sites, larviciding to reduce the mosquito population, and placing traps to collect and test mosquitoes for disease. Spraying for adult mosquitoes, also known as adulticiding, is only performed when samples test positive for the West Nile virus.

While the pesticide used for mosquito control is an EPA-approved, low-volume concentration that is considered safe for humans and pets, it is suggested that residents remain indoors, bring pets inside, and close windows and doors while spraying is occurring.

For more information or to sign up to receive mosquito spraying notifications, visit


West Nile Virus prevention measures

  • Check your property for breeding sites. Eliminate any sources of standing water. Clean out gutters and birdbaths. Properly dispose of tires. Maintain swimming pools and hot tubs.
  • Limit time spent outdoors during peak mosquito biting times.
  • Wear loose, light-colored, long sleeves and pants.
  • Apply an insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535 to clothing and exposed skin.

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