Auditor organizes second Fiscal Summit for County Taxing Units

Allen County Board of Commissioners Seal

Press release from the Allen County Board of Commissioners:

Auditor Organizes Second Fiscal Summit for County Taxing Units

(July 27, 2010) – All taxing units in Allen County will have the chance to discuss community spending priorities and the effect property tax caps will have on anticipated revenues at a special County Fiscal Summit next week.

The Summit, which will be open to the public, will take place on Tuesday, August 3, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the City-County Building Omni Room.

This is the second year for the County Fiscal Summit, which is organized and hosted by Allen County Auditor Lisa Blosser. “The Fiscal Summit is a great opportunity for local government leaders to meet and share financial information,” Blosser said. “Since property tax caps have been enacted, governments are seeing less revenue and it is essential they communicate their spending priorities. The Summit provides a time for officials to collaborate on providing essential public services in a cost effective manner.”

Among those scheduled to make presentations at the summit is Dr. Larry DeBoer of Purdue University. Dr. DeBoer will be discussing how recent legislation impacts local government and what governments should expect going forward. Also, a panel of local government representatives will be discussing “best practices” and how they have saved money without cutting essential services.

And a follow up:

County Fiscal Summit to be Televised Live on Public Access TV

(July 29, 2010) – Because of the importance of the discussion, next week’s County Fiscal Summit will be televised live on the City of Fort Wayne’s Public Access Channels (channel 58 on Comcast and channel 28 on Frontier).

The Summit, which will be open to the public, will take place on Tuesday, August 3, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the City-County Building Omni Room.

This is the second year for the County Fiscal Summit, which is organized and hosted by Allen County Auditor Lisa Blosser. All taxing units in Allen County will have the chance to discuss community spending priorities and the effect property tax caps will have on anticipated revenues.

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