Press release from Allen County Neighborhoods Association:
What: The Allen County Neighborhoods Association Quarterly Meeting
When: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Where: Omni Room on the 2nd floor of the City-County Building, 1 East Main St., Fort Wayne
On the agenda:
- Attorney Robert Eherenman answers legal questions pertaining to homeowners associations
- Cheri Becker of Leadership Fort Wayne will return to present her findings and conclusions from April’s brainstorming session, which was aimed at developing a program for neighborhood associations and their leaders. We then plan to discuss options on the best way to move forward based on the information presented.
- Open Forum: Concerns, Questions, Responses
Free parking is available in the CCB Parking Garage and refreshments will be served at the meeting.
ACNA helps neighborhood associations in both incorporated and unincorporated areas of Allen County access county services and share ideas for resolving common concerns. For more information, contact ACNA Coordinators Kris Krishnan ( or Joanne Bergman ( or Mike Green, Allen Co. Public Information Director, at 449-7671.