Protesting a demolition this morning…

This morning you are welcomed to join in a protest at the northwest corner of Clinton and Fourth Street from 7:30 am to 9:30 am.

The former Lake Shore and Michigan Railroad Freight Station is on the verge of being torn down to make way for… well, no one knows exactly what for – yet.

As you may remember, the former OmniSource buildings and blue wall were demolished last year after the property sat vacant for several years.  The City had an option on the property – during the last year or two of the Graham Richard Administration, but the Henry Administration let the option expire and lost control of the property.  This was the location for the North River Now Charettes conducted a few years back and has been the subject of development rumors for a possible water park, casino, IMAX, public park – almost an entire gamut of possibilities.  It was also the attempt four or five years ago to lure multi-millions of dollars of investment from the Ray Krock Foundation (of McDonald’s fame).

Since then, the economy has tanked and all efforts at redevelopment seem to have stalled – key word, “seem”.  There is currently a very viable proposal for the former freight house and land that would be a perfect fit for the property.  I don’t think they’re ready to go public, so I won’t spill the beans, but trust me when I say it’s one of the most exciting proposals for downtown I’ve seen since Parkview Field/Harrison Square.

This exciting proposal can still become reality without the freight house, but not only would the reality be a little less because of the loss, but our community at large will have lost another historic structure needlessly.

If you have time, the protest is again from 7:30 to 9:30 am this morning at the northwest corner of Clinton and Fourth Street.

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  1. Is it viable in the same way that Harrison Square is viable? Meaning of course that the govt fronts all of the money and some private party receives all of the gains.

  2. Hi,
    The Wells Corridor Business Assoc made the signs used Friday (thanks Judi Wire and Shawna Kennedy Nicelley for your continued leadership and dedication to this community) and there is a growing grassroots circle of supporters coming together to politely call for a stay of demolition – businesses, neighborhood associations, nonprofit organizations, and individuals who agree that the old freight house building should be saved from the wrecking ball for creative reuse of future development.
    Want to join us? Please do! We need your ideas, help and creative thinking …
    call Michelle at 260-710-4413 to chat about this or to sign up for a shift
    the week of May 24 -(one hour shifts – bring your friends)
    Easy, fun and friendly – al in the spirit of community building.
    If you a Facebook user, please join our Facebook group:
    SAVE THE HISTORIC DEPOT: At Clinton & 4th St. – Downtown Fort Wayne, IN

  3. And please visit and share our new website to sign the petition in support of saving the depot!

    It’s so great how this community is rallying around this cause we share – saving that old freight depot for another use and another life and another generation!


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