One simple form guarantees valuable credits for Hoosier property owners

E-mail update from Indiana State Senators David Long (R-16th) and Tom Wyss (R-15th):

One simple form guarantees valuable credits for Hoosier property owners
Verification of homestead credit will prevent fraud, ensure fairness in tax system

State Senators Tom Wyss and David Long say by completing and mailing back one simple form included in local property tax statements, eligible property owners will receive valuable tax credits while helping county governments better monitor homestead filings and prevent fraud.

Pink forms are included in property tax statements currently being mailed to Hoosiers,” Wyss said. “If people haven’t already done so, I encourage them take the time to complete the form and mail it back to their local auditor’s office. This will help provide a cost savings to eligible property taxpayers while preventing fraud and ensuring fairness in the system.”

Wyss said property owners should complete and return the pink forms in order to verify their previously filed homestead deductions. Hoosiers who do not return the form could lose their tax credits beginning in 2013. He said deductions can reduce the taxable assessed values of homesteads by up to 60 percent or $45,000, whichever is less.

Wyss said information included on completed forms will be used to help prevent fraud, which ultimately costs law-abiding property owners.

“Unfortunately, some people in previous years have claimed homestead deductions they were not entitled to receive,” Wyss said. “This new process will help update the database and weed out those who may try to take unfair advantage of the system.”

As part of the new form, property owners provide the last five digits of their Social Security and drivers’ license numbers. Wyss said this information will only be used within a secure homestead database.

“Although taxpayers may see this form again throughout the next few years, they only need to fill it out once,” Wyss said. “State law requires all homestead verification forms to be filed no later than Jan. 1, 2013, but I encourage property owners to complete this form now and mark it off their to-do lists.”

For more information on the homestead verification form, please visit

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