Tax bills in the mail

Allen County Board of Commissioners Seal

Press release from the Allen County Auditor and Treasurer:

Tax Bills Hit the Mail

(April 9, 2010) “I am thrilled to report that tax bills are back on time. Many people, worked many hours, to ensure on time billing and I am happy to say the bills are in the mail,” County Treasurer Susan Orth said.

Taxpayers need to be aware that both the Spring and Fall payment coupons are included on the same bill. There will be no fall billing. The Spring tax payment is due May 10, and the Fall payment is due November 10. Tax bills may be paid in person in the Treasurer’s Office, at participating local banks listed on the back of the tax bill or there are several payment options on the Treasurer’s website which is Along with all these payment methods, there is a payment drop box located outside the north side of the County Courthouse and there is a drop slot just outside the Treasurer’s Office. The Treasurer’s office is in the City County Building, 1 East Main Street, room 104. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Along with the Property Tax Bill, taxpayers will want to pay attention to the enclosed pink sheet of paper. This form is a “Homestead Verification Form,” and it must be completed and returned to the Auditor’s Office if the homeowner wants to continue receiving the benefit of the Homestead Deduction – the most commonly used property tax deduction in Indiana.

“Completing the form confirms that the individual is using the property as his or her permanent home, an eligibility requirement of the deduction,” County Auditor Lisa Blosser said. “The homestead deduction gives a qualifying individual or couple a substantial property tax benefit by lowering their property tax obligation, when individuals who do not qualify receive this benefit, it cost other taxpayers more.”

Individuals or married couples claiming the homestead deduction must provide the last five digits of their driver’s license and social security numbers. This information will be placed in a secure database that will enable all county auditors in Indiana to cross-check names, identifying those who may be claiming a homestead deduction in more than one county.

Specific questions about property tax deduction eligibility or the homestead verification form should be directed to the county auditor. The Auditor’s office is in room 102 in the City County Building. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm or you can call 260-449-7241. Additional information is available on the Auditor’s website at

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