Press release from Phil Troyer, Republican candidate in the 2010 primary for the 3rd District Congressional seat:
Troyer offers assistance to Congressman Souder
(FORT WAYNE – December 11, 2009) Responding to comments made by Congressman Mark Souder in yesterday’s, Third District Republican candidate Phil Troyer offered his support and assistance.
“In the article, Congressman Souder said, ‘During this time of economic recession, Hoosier taxpayers deserve to know where and how their dollars are being spent.’ I whole-heartedly agree with that statement,” noted Troyer. “For example, yesterday the House of Representatives passed a $447 billion spending bill. According to the Los Angeles Times, the bill included 5,224 earmarks that would cost taxpayers approximately $6 billion.”
“As a result, in an effort to support Congressman Souder’s desire to provide taxpayers with greater transparency regarding Washington’s spending habits, I am providing the following list of votes in which Congressman Souder refused to strip wasteful, pork barrel earmarks out of spending bills in 2009,” said Troyer. “I would encourage him to post this list on his congressional website so voters can learn what he deems worthy of our tax dollars.”
- HOUSE VOTE 374 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Maine Department of Marine Resources in Augusta for the Maine Lobster Research and the Inshore Trawling Survey.
- HOUSE VOTE 380 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Environmental Science Initiative at Drew University in Madison, N.J.
- HOUSE VOTE 445 – Bars funds appropriated in the bill for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Pre -Disaster Mitigation Fund from being used for grants to the Harris County Flood Control District in Texas.
- HOUSE VOTE 446 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the National Institute for Hometown Security in Kentucky.
- HOUSE VOTE 470 – Bars funds appropriated in the bill for a project to restore Good Fellow Lodge at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore in Porter, Ind.
- HOUSE VOTE 471 – Bars funds appropriated in the bill for the Village Park Historic Preservation project at Traditional Arts in Canton, N.Y.
- HOUSE VOTE 472 – Bars funds appropriated in the bill for the Tarrytown Music Hall Restoration project of The Friends of the Mozartina Musical Arts Conservatory in Tarrytown, N.Y.
- HOUSE VOTE 473 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Angel Island State Park Immigration Station Hospital Rehabilitation project in San Francisco, Calif.
- HOUSE VOTE 474 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Historic Fort Payne Coal and Iron Building Rehabilitation project in Fort Payne, Ala.
- HOUSE VOTE 505 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Agricultural Research Service’s salaries and expenses from being available for the Foundry Sand By -Products Utilization project in Beltsville, Md.
- HOUSE VOTE 528 – Bars the use of funds in the bill for 109 member -requested projects totaling more than $550 million.
- HOUSE VOTE 559 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for a small business incubator project at the University of West Georgia in Carrollton, Ga.
- HOUSE VOTE 561 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Proof of Concept Center of Idaho TechConnect, Inc., in Nampa, Idaho.
- HOUSE VOTE 562 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Greenstone Group project of the Northeast Entrepreneur Fund in Virginia, Minn.
- HOUSE VOTE 568 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Tech Belt Life Sciences Green House project for the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Green House in Pittsburgh, Penn.
- HOUSE VOTE 569 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for an infrastructure expansion project to promote small business for the cities of Loma Linda and Grand Terrace in California.
- HOUSE VOTE 581 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Housatonic River Net -Zero Energy Building project.
- HOUSE VOTE 621 – Reduces the “Capital Assistance for High Speed Rail Corridor and Intercity Passenger Rail Service” by $3 billion to President Obama’s initial request of $1 billion.
- HOUSE VOTE 627 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the terminal replacement project at Grand Forks International Airport in Grand Forks, N.D.
- HOUSE VOTE 631 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Monroe County Farmer’s Market facility construction project of the Monroe County Fiscal Court.
- HOUSE VOTE 635 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Philadelphia Museum of Art transportation improvement program.
- HOUSE VOTE 670 – Bars the use of funds for 75 member-requested projects in the bill.
- HOUSE VOTE 671 – Bars the use of funds for 552 member-requested projects in the bill.
- HOUSE VOTE 672 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the MGPTS Type III or Rapid Deployable Shelter project.
- HOUSE VOTE 673 – Bars the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the Model for Green Laboratories and Clean Rooms project.
“As I meet with voters and walk through these votes with them, they typically have two questions,” noted Troyer. “Why is Congressman Souder wasting our money by voting to support these pork barrel spending requests, and why is the local news media not reporting it? Needless to say, they are expressing a great deal of anger and betrayal once they learn the facts.”
Phil Troyer’s campaign website
Webmaster’s note: The above statement is directly from the candidate.  All candidate statements, regardless of party affiliation are welcomed.  Candidate statements are not edited, spun or otherwise tampered with, but are provided in their entirety. If a  statement is received from a candidate, it is posted.  I do not selectively post statements.  Comments for  this post will be gladly accepted as long as you follow this site’s comment policy.  Anonymous comments are not accepted for this type of post or any other.
This just goes to show that Mark Souder is a firm believer in the adage, “Do as I say, not as I do!” We need someone else to represent us in the House in D.C.! And we sure don’t want a liberal like Hayhurst – so let’s make our desires known in the May, 2010 Republican primary!
That is why I am supporting Marty Bender for 3rd district Congressman.
Somewhat disingenious press release, as $2.55 billion comes from 2 earmarks on the list. So that means 5,222 earmarks represented roughly $3.5 billion. If we do the math, that’s $670,241 per earmark. Still a lot, but whose to say some of the projects that received earmarks weren’t worthy?
There’s fiscal conservativism and then there is fiscal miserism. I’d rather have a thoughtful spender in Congress than a tight-wad who isn’t willing to bring my Federal taxes back to my district.
Personally, I won’t vote for this guy because of his ridiculous press releases. There are five Democratic congressional seats in Indiana, why not focus on them?
Just my two cents.
Troyer states:
Who are “they?” Oh, lemme guess. The Kelty Kooks.
Dan – Very, very BAD guess on your part! Lots of “us” believe that Mark is done in DC – And they are not for Hayhurst. Souder is in his last 2 year term in the house! May is not that far off – and yes, it may take a “Kelty-like” overturn of Peters without the “Kelty-like” campaign errors – but, it can be done!
And, Dan, wasn’t Dan Turkett one of the BIGGEST Kelty Kooks? I quote your note to me of September 24, 2007 where you said “You now have contributor access to my Blog with only two rules: No trashing Matt Kelty or AWB!”
Gentlemen: Please stop the personal attacks. I think that a discussion best held for private emails as it is a bit off the topic of the post.
I appreciate the fervor, but let’s keep it on topic.
Good job Stephen! You don’t want your blog to turn into FWP:)
Thanks, Mark. For some reason, this has really opened up the floodgates on the passion and fervor.
I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t understand the inner-workings or behind the scenes stuff with our local Republican Party, nor do I want to. I enjoy a good discussion as much as the next person, but not when it denigrates into personal attacks. I’ve had several emails calling me everything from a liberal to a conservative, to a closeted-democrat trying to sabotage the Republican Party. Most of it makes me laugh, especially the attacks directed at me because all I’m doing is delivering candidate statements.
I think we’re in for an interesting 3rd Congressional District primary race is all I’ll say!